Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Searching for Sources

As I continue to hunt for additional sources, I have discovered a wide range of articles and dissertations related to technology, social capital, and community. My initial effort at Chapters 1, 2 and 3 yielded approximately 85 references (as outlined on the reference pages of that document). I have looked at and reviewed an additional 13 resources and probably could look at a great deal more (especially in the area of social capital). I really want to focus on contemporary viewpoints of social capital as I have outlined in my original literature review. The search overall has yielded some interesting information.

In doing this part of the writing process, I came across a very interesting article from Teachers College Record, Columbia University - Analyzing Teachers' Professional Interactions in a School as Social Capital: A Social Network Approach. This article will be helpful as a reference in looking at how secondary school worker perceptions of technology impact the development of social capital in that context. Since the article focuses on professional interactions, this can be tied into technological venues for such interactions. TCR also provides a two-minute video to accompany the article and I have provided it here as a reference:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ed!
    Thanks for sharing this resource. The influence of social capital on adult learning is really powerful. I am coming across the names of Etienne Wenger (communities of practice)and Scott Downes (learning networks in practice) that may also influence your work.
